Sunday, November 8, 2009


I am taking a photography class through the Parks and Recs. It's a digital photography class -- designed for beginners. I am enjoying it very much. We only have one more class left. I have learned a few things--which was the goal! One assignment that I really loved was one I wouldn't have guessed I would like. The assignment was to take some abstract pictures and once I learned what I was to do, I loved it. Here is one photo I took that I thought came out pretty good.

Sunday, August 2, 2009


Bob and I spent more than 2 hours in the garden Saturday morning getting the grass and weeds under control. We were gone for a week and the grass and weeds were sky high! It looks much better now.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Asiatic Lillies

Bob planted some new yellow Asiatic lillies. Here is a picture of all of them before something decided to eat one of them. Since this was taken, one of our orange tiger lillies bloomed.


Here's Bob--planting tomatoes

I spent all afternoon yesterday planting seeds in our vegetable garden. Bob had already planted the tomatoes and transplanted my herbs a few days ago. The herbs were growing in pots near the house and once I saw how well the parsley did that we planted in the garden, I decided I would move all the herbs there. I planted basil and chive seeds in the garden as well as planting thyme and rosemary in the boxes out front.

A few days ago, I had planted some flower seeds in various boxes on the deck and on the upper patio.

Yesterday, Bob tilled the garden then I went out and planted the seeds. In a week or so, we should start to see some signs of beans, peas, radishes, carrots, cucumber, zucchini, onions, lettuce and beets. I reserved a spot for jalapeno peppers and green bell peppers. It took me a few hours to get it all done, and I was exhausted--but it was the "good" tired feel. It's always nice to look around and see that you accomplished something good.

The only thing was that once I got done planting, I knew it all would need a drink. I was so tired, I had decided I would talk Bob into watering it all for me. Turned out I didn't need to. I had taken a shower and changed clothes. I went upstairs to fix dinner and thought I'd water in a bit, after the strong sun started to go down. But, as luck would have it, I heard thunder. I was thrilled. Mother Nature took care of watering everything for me with a nice, soaking thunderstorm. I even grabbed one of my indoor plants and set it outside to get a nice drink.

While I was planting seeds in the garden, Bob went to the fish pond and dug a couple holes then filled them with potting soil. I planted Dusty Miller there this morning. (at 6:00) While I was out and about early, I found more potting soil and a pot and planted some Shasta Daisy seeds. I love those!

Now the hard part is to have to wait for the seeds to take root and plants to start coming up. That is why I like to buy plants that have already been started and plant those. But, to grow things from seeds does give you some satisfaction, too.

But soon, I should have some veggies and flowers growing all over the place!

Sunday, March 29, 2009


I have added some new Monopoly games to my collection. A few weeks ago I added the Disney Villains version.

Then, for my birthday Bob gave me 2 more versions--the M&Ms version and the Planet Earth version.